Dr. Anthony J. LaMarra, D.P.M. - Podiatrist

Photo of Dr. Anthony J. LaMarra, D.P.M.

Dr. Anthony LaMarra, D.P.M.

Shepherd Square Podiatry, P.A.
Work Shepherd Square Podiatry, P.A. 2621 South Shepherd Ste. #220 Houston TX 77098 Work Phone: (832) 662-4061 Website: Shepherd Square Podiatry


Anthony LaMarra is a Podiatrist in Houston, Tx.

Anthony has been in practice for 30 years at same location. And presently has opened new location at 1960 and HWY 59.

Dr. LaMarra is an expert in treating traumatic foot and ankle injuries from auto accidents as well as workers compensation cases.

Dr. LaMarra is presently a certified designated doctor in the state of Texas.


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