Brett Baer, PT, DPT - Physical Therapy
Brett Baer, PT, DPT
Core Health Chiropractic & Natural MedicineBiography
Brett Baer, DPT, PT, is a physical therapist practicing at Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers in The Woodlands, Texas. Known for his contagiously happy smile and cheerful, outgoing personality, Dr. Baer is passionate about helping his patients get back to their day-to-day lifestyle and live pain-free.
Originally from Brandon, Mississippi, Dr. Baer pursued his Bachelor of Arts in kinesiology with an emphasis in exercise science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where he also received a football scholarship. Upon graduation, he signed on as a free agent for the St. Louis Rams for their 2013 preseason, serving as the team’s kicker. Dr. Baer later earned his Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2017 from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in Austin, Texas.
Dr. Baer enjoys treating various musculoskeletal injuries from extremities to back pain. He specializes in manual therapy and is certified in functional dry needling for treating various musculoskeletal injuries.
When he is not practicing medicine, Dr. Baer remains an avid fan of any and all sporting events, especially University of Louisiana football games, weight lifting, and golfing. He also loves spending time with his beautiful wife, Lauren, and their daughter, Britton.