Dr. Kyle W. Buchan - Medical Primary Care

Photo of Dr. Kyle W. Buchan

Dr. Kyle Buchan

Kingwood Chiropractic
Work Kingwood Chiropractic 1110 Kingwood Dr., Suite 201 Kingwood Texas 777339 Work Phone: 832-551-2033 Website: www.kingwoodchiro.com


Dr. Buchan received his doctorate of chiropractic from Texas Chiropractic College where he was a deans list student, was inducted into the Omega Psi academic honor fraternity, and was a member of the Council on Sports Injury (COSI).

His undergraduate studies in biomedical science were completed at Midwestern State University and Texas A&M University where he also received scholarships for academics and soccer.  As part of his training Dr. Buchan completed clinical internships and rotations in family medicine, chiropractic, and orthopedic surgery.

He has attended numerous postgraduate continuing education courses on nutrition, sports injuries, and a variety of treatment techniques.

Dr. Buchan has achieved certification as a Protect Your Back instructor with the American Red Cross and has an Applied Clinical Nutrition (A.C.N.) certification.

He is certified in acupuncture and a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture (FIAMA).

Dr. Buchan currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce.

He is originally from San Antonio, is married to his beautiful wife Marie, and has two sons, Kade and Drake.


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