Dr. Rodrigo Cabrera - Dentist

The Houston Injury Solutions Network – featuring the following Dentist​ serving the Houston Texas Area.

Photo of Dr. Rodrigo Cabrera

Dr. Rodrigo Cabrera

Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates
Work Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates 10065 Almeda-Genoa Rd, Suite J Houston TX 77075 Work Phone: 832-639-6634 Website: Cabrera Dental Associates


Dr. Rodrigo Cabrera is a general dentist with nearly 13 years of professional experience serving the Houston community at his private practice. Dr. Cabrera received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin and his doctorate degree (DDS) from Baylor College of Dentistry. He is highly experienced in providing various dental services including crowns, full mouth restorations with dental implants, and root canal therapy. He has over 6 years of experience in treating worker’s compensation and other personal injury cases. Dr. Cabrera has also received extensive training on dental implants, complex bone grafting, and trauma treatment and actively pursues continuing education courses. To reach the diverse patient community of Houston, Dr. Cabrera’s practice is also bilingual, where he and the staff are fluent in both English and Spanish.


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